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About OKMan on x Layer

OKM $OKMan on x Layer Will live soon 🎉
Today We represent OKX Fans to demonstrate all the energy and power of OKM at x Layer Ecosystem and developing Kanye NFTs
We will announce the CA on the pin 🚀 CA: 0x553a429fdaad6069c07f6f5c7200ec4509c1b421

Your questions, answered!

OKMan on x Layer is a token on the blockchain, inspired by the character OKM . Our coin symbolizes friendship, adventure, and freedom.

OKMan on x Layer token can be purchased on the platform AbstraDex.The token operates on the x Layer blockchain.

The address of the OKMan on x Layer smart contract is 0x553a429fdaad6069c07f6f5c7200ec4509c1b421
You can use this address to interact with the OKMan on x Layer token on the x Layer blockchain. Always ensure you are using the correct contract address to avoid scams.